April 29th was my 31st birthday. Or as I say, I'm 21 with 10 years experience. Although I spent that day on vacation and the following day driving back home, I decided that it was a good time to start my 365 day photo challenge.
Previously I have mentioned the <a href=http://aka-click.blogspot.ca/2012/02/101-things.html target="_blank">101 things in 1001 days</a> challenge. While many are in progress, few are complete. So here I am starting challenge #14.
No people will be shown in any of my pictures, but each picture will show an aspect, a highlight or a summary of the day. With each picture I will write something about the day and how the picture relates to the day or why I chose that particular picture.
I doubt I will post everyday, so every few days you will see a post with several photos tagged 365 photos. And maybe you might see some tagged other photos. I'll be taking a lot of photos so I am bound to have a few that may not work for the day, but they'll be pictures I felt like sharing anyway.
I hope you enjoy this view of my life from thirty-one to thirty-two.
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