This is a novel by A. R. Vagnetti and published by Kyanite Publishing.
I had the privilege of being able to read an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy)
of this entertaining novel. Find out more about this story and where to
purchase it here:
So, as usual, I didn't do more than a quick scan of the back cover blurb before reading. One day I should learn to do that so I am not surprised by anything. Right on the Kyanite page for this novel, it says "This title contains graphic sexual content."
Oh boy, does it ever. For now, we are going to put that aside and I will get to talking about it further down. This is your one warning that I will be talking about some of the sex and related scenes later on.
Overall, this is a well-written novel with strong characters and good world-building. Nicole, our heroine, is a hell of a woman. She may be falling apart, but she's still ready to kick-ass and take names. I loved her. I was rooting for her. All the characters in this story were dynamic and strong. I had no problem getting a sense of the vast supporting cast in this novel.
You will not find much to disappoint you in the action-packed fantasy portion of the plotline. It flows beautifully and is well supported by the romantic elements. Speaking of which, I want to address that part next. If honest talk about sex or the BDSM community offends you, skip the next two paragraphs.
One of the things that always annoys me when authors touch on anything to do with BDSM is that they get it wrong. One of the most important things within this community is consent, a close second to that is open communication. I was relieved to see that A.R. did make mention of this fact and is represented in this novel.
As for the sex scenes, well damn. They were high on the steam side and low on the usage of purple prose. It was also nice to see something a little different from what I'm used to seeing when I do venture into erotic romance (as it is not my typical read). So, once again, kudos to A.R. for not keeping it the straightest of vanilla. That was slightly refreshing to read.
While I went into this novel not expecting this amount of sexual content, it was appropriate for the world and society that A.R. created for the paranormal portion of the world. I definitely enjoyed reading this story and I think you might too. She did a great job and I am happy that I got a chance to read this novel.
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