Friday, July 12, 2013

101 Things in 1001 days - Update Time!

So way back when I made a post about 101 things to do in 1001 days and I haven't really talked about it since. We're somewhere around the halfway mark (a little past it I think) and it just occurred to me that I ought to post a little update on how all these goals are going.

If there's nothing written beside it than it's just plain not completed yet. In progress will ne in red (and sometimes with a note) and finished will be crossed out.
  1. Get a piece of my writing published
  2. Achieve my goal weight- 20lbs to go
  3. Run a marathon
  4. Get my driver's license
  5. Paint a canvas and hang it on my wall
  6. Take a creative writing class
  7. Finish a story - first to final draft
  8. Go backpacking in the mountains
  9. Learn to play a ukulele
  10. See the Northern Lights
  11. Make an effort to dress better
  12. Travel outside North America (note: Not actually yet, but August 1.)
  13. Save a 3-month emergency fund
  14. Complete a 365 day photo challenge
  15. Go away for a weekend on my own
  16. Make a successful soufflé
  17. Make sushi from scratch
  18. Make pizza from scratch including the dough
  19. Do the 100 pushups challenge (
  20. Do the 200 sit-ups challenge (
  21. Fast for 3 days
  22. Buy (& at some point wear) lingerie
  23. Get a passport
  24. Become debt free
  25. Get my own vehicle
  26. Go cross-country skiing
  27. Plaque mount and hang my favorite photos
  28. Wear all my shoes at least once or get rid of them- I did get rid of quite few!
  29. Learn another language
  30. Attend a cooking class
  31. Visit at least two new provinces and a territory
  32. Get rid of my clutter
  33. Learn how to and create a scrapbook
  34. Get my nose pierced
  35. Go on a picnic
  36. Have an un-birthday birthday party
  37. Get renters insurance
  38. Attempt meatless Mondays for a month
  39. Write down my recipes
  40. Go vegetarian for a week
  41. Donate blood regularly
  42. Do NaBloPoMo again
  43. Pay myself $5 for every task completed (to be added to my rainy day fund) (note: I'm crossing it as a fail because I just didn't have the money all the time)
  44. Find and buy a real watch
  45. Do the Hypothermic Half Marathon
  46. Take a hot air balloon ride
  47. Grow an avocado tree - I did and it died in the move. Time to start over?
  48. Open a TFSA to save for a down payment on my own place
  49. Stick firmly to my budget for one month
  50. Fly a kite
  51. Make my own wine
  52. Catch up on my webdesign work and resolve to stay up-to-date
  53. Take a photo to commemorate the completion of each of these goals (note: harder to do than I thought. This is a fail)
  54. Keep a list of inspiring quotes
  55. Learn to shoot a gun
  56. Organize my spare room so it's useable
  57. Donate $5 to charity for each task I don’t complete
  58. Take an unplanned road trip
  59. Create 5 new recipes
  60. Write 20 short stories
  61. Learn to change a tire
  62. Don't complain about anything for a week
  63. Talk to myself with respect for a week - no name calling (note: it's almost a habit to be nice to myself now!)
  64. Go one week without hitting snooze
  65. Go one week without swearing
  66. No junk food for a month
  67. Buy a dress and wear it
  68. Take myself out for a fancy meal
  69. Write down something that made me happy everyday for 30 days
  70. Run 10K straight
  71. Send out Christmas cards
  72. Dress like a professional for one work week
  73. Organize my paperwork/bills and shred what I don't need
  74. Try snowboarding
  75. Learn to make cheesecake
  76. Follow a strict skin care regimen for 2 weeks
  77. Keep up with ALL my laundry for one month
  78. Get involved in a sport
  79. Take a weekend bike trip
  80. Try 5 new foods
  81. Make homemade marshmallows
  82. Replace my mismatched dishes with a full, nice set
  83. Start taking vitamins
  84. Make my own jam
  85. Learn to make 5 new desserts
  86. Make my own GF bread
  87. Maintain my goal weight for one year
  88. Buy a nice/expensive pair of shoes
  89. Inspire someone else to make their own list
  90. Learn to sew
  91. Pre-plan my meals and actually eat what I planned to for a week
  92. Watch all the movies I am ashamed to say I haven't actually seen, though often pretend I have
  93. Listen to 30 new-to-me artists
  94. Own more than one dress
  95. Find my perfect red shoes
  96. Do the 200 squats challenge (
  97. Have a mole check done
  98. Finish a full first draft during NaNoWriMo
  99. Clean my fridge top to bottom
  100. Clean out my freezer
  101. Post this list somewhere I will see it everyday

Final count: 69 tasks still to attempt. That's actually a lot better than I thought it was. Sure, 31 tasks done or in progress really doesn't seem like a lot, but considering a lot got put on hold when I ran over my leg I don't think it's going too badly.

I'm sure there is a lot that I won't get to and I'll just have to try it another time, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it.


  1. I wonder if there is an online creative writing class we could do together?

    1. Oh that would be a lot of fun! Definitely something to look into. Maybe for the winter when things slow down a little?
