Now, I love my little old house, but I am not a big fan of the tan that was used as the main paint colour. The chance to paint a small part of this place a different colour held great appeal to me. So, I bought it.
I've had little luck in finding full time work, but a few leads have emerged. Nothing concrete yet, but do keep your fingers crossed.In the meantime, I have been keeping busy. For all the years I have owned my little house that nearing a century old, I have never really had it all to myself. I am taking this chance to pull apart the house and reorganize. It's been a lot of work, especially since I lost a close friend in April and a lot of her stuff has come to stay with me.
I had not expected what came next in the organization project.
As I walked through the hardware store looking for something niche and specific (that I did not find), I saw that there was a low VOC paint on for a really good sale. Paint that would be perfect for a bathroom.
Tonight, I pulled everything out of the main bath and painted the bathroom.
Everything went fairly smoothly. I love the new colour. I am happy with my choice. It was what happened after that didn't go so well. See, I had to move everything from the bathroom to the kitchen. It was late when I finished painting. I needed to feed the girls (and myself as I'd only had two granola bars since the morning). I had to move a few things around to access my fridge.And that is when disaster hit.I managed to destabilize the carefully placed items that I had moved from the bathroom to the kitchen. The cabinet organizer for behind the toilet was the first to topple. The leg broke right off as it crashed to the ground. In move of retrospective idiocy, I tried to grab for it. It is not a light thing and there was no reasonable way for me to break the fall from where I stood.
However, I managed to send the closet door tumbling over.
The door came crashing down hitting the counter... and my coffee pot. Glass and the cold remnants of this mornings coffee exploded all over my kitchen. Cue an epic meltdown of overwhelm.
I am hoping a metric shit tonne of wood glue will help repair the storage thing, but the coffee pot was a total loss. However, my sister called me that evening and I told her about my day. Her response was "Well, I guess I know what I am getting you for Christmas now."
At which point, after much laughter (which I needed), she bought me a fancy new coffee machine that I need to drive to the city to pick up tomorrow.
You win some, you lose some. In the end, it all works out in the wash.
Edited to add: After posting this and despite my careful cleaning of the kitchen to prevent any one of my furbabies from stepping on glass, I managed to step on a piece of glass... Go me.
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