Three random, unrelated prompts were given to a few of us by another friend. Our story had to incorporate all three prompts.
I received my prompts on noon of October 31st. I had twelve hours to think up a way to combine these three unrelated prompts into a story that made sense. I wasn't sure I could do it, but I sure as heck was going to try my hardest to make it work.
These are the three prompts we were given:
And, yes, all these elements made it into the story. I finished the month of November by hitting 'The End' on this novel at a bit over 60K words. And, even after umpteen million edits, they are all a part of the story still.
I had no idea what I was writing until I wrote it. I put one word in front of the other with no plan and somehow I got a novel out of it. I did add several chapters after the first draft on the recommendation of a good friend and freelance editor, but that was about all I did besides the normal editing processes and a few slight changes to chapter one.
So what is it about?
While the focus is on Emmett and Kami, the story expands to include Jewel, a seer, and Bob, a yeti. It’s a fun cast of diverse personalities and a very handsome villain who will stop at nothing to reach his goal – destroying Emmett and Kami. Oh, and ruling over all the five realms – Mundialis, Mythos, Immortui, Anabasa, and Castus.
If that wasn't hard enough, there is a web of secrets and lies that is slowly unravelling and it has the potential to tear Kami and Emmett's friendship apart.
What makes this novel special?
For me, it’s the characters and how their relationship changes and develops over the course of the journey that takes you from forest to peat bog to the frozen mountaintops. It’s a slow and deliberate reveal of the secrets that Emmett is hiding and the lies he tells to protect those around him. Although, you can be the judge of whether the lies did more harm or good in the end.
Why should I read it?
I honestly believe that not every story is for every person. However, if you love a bit of sword and sorcery, wild adventures, incredible landscapes, mysterious secrets, and end-of-the-world thrill rides then you will probably love this story.
Or just read it for Bob the Yeti. Everyone loves Bob.
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