Saturday, August 31, 2019

Review: Loved Mars, Hated the Food by Willie Handler

This is a novel by Willie Handler and published by Kyanite Publishing. I had the privilege of being able to read an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) of this entertaining novel. Find out more about this story and where to purchase it here:
I have to say that it is always a delight to be able to read an ARC from another Canadian author and to have a chance to go back to my love of science fiction. Some of the first science fiction stories that stuck with me were rather humourous (see Spider Robinson) and whenever I get a chance to laugh as I read sci-fi, I'm ecstatic.

So, thank you for writing this, Willie. This story checked off so much that I love and then went a step beyond.

Dix Jenner is a protagonist to which most of us can easily relate. I know I did, although I certainly do not share in how he chooses to 'chill out'. He feels like someone you might know or have met before. I loved that he wasn't especially extraordinary. It made me relate to his journey so much more because I could easily put myself in his shoes.

Seepa, Bleeker, and Plinka make for an engaging supporting cast to Dix's life on Mars. I loved them all and found each of them relateable. In a way, I can almost see them as if they were a sitcom.

When it comes to world-building, I have to extend my kudos to Willie for making the Martians and their society as a fallible as our own, but in a different way. I do get annoyed at the trope of the superior alien race that has it all together. It made the society I was reading about far more real to me.

I adore the world that Willie created for the Martians, right down to why we've never seen a trace of them before. I love their society and the impact the Dix has on it with his presence there. It is an amusing and thought-provoking story at the same time. A light hearted-take that touches on a few serious topics.

Now, don't go into this expecting an epic adventure, but it is a wonderful and entertaining story to read. One that you will not regret having as a part of your personal library. It never once disappointed me.

This is a book for those who enjoy a lighter take on science fiction, who enjoy humour, and for the food lover out there. Yes, you read that right. This is a book for people who love food (and coffee) as both those items play a prominent part in this story. In fact, I spent a good part of the novel thinking about a described dessert that I wanted desperately to make this Christmas.

Though I received this book as a digital ARC, I went to the expense of ordering a paperback copy and I am especially glad of this one. When you get to the delicious appendix to this novel, you'll understand.


  1. I really want to read this. I feel like it's just the kind of story I need to keep my food and sci-fi love in balance.
