As I sat alone thinking about what to sort of pep talk I can give you the day before NaNoWriMo ends, eating whipped cream straight from the can and drinking wine, I felt like the idea was right on the edge of my mind. Which is when inspiration struck.
Because, here we are, on the edge of the end of this crazy adventure. It’is so close we can almost taste it (and it tastes like whipped cream).
At this point in the journey there isn’t much I can say to you except to ignore all the words you’ve written. I’m being serious. Ahead, behind, on par? Who cares? I don’t and you shouldn't either. Take these last few hours and write. Write your hardest, as much as you can. Throw yourself into your story and see what happens.

Don’t look back, don’t think about the pitfalls of the journey, don’t reminisce on the great days where the words flowed like water (wine?) - just write.
Race for the finish line because it’s right there over that last little rise. Run for it with all your might. You can do it.
Go! Go! Go!
Stop reading this. Why are you still reading? Oh, because I put words here, is that why? Okay. I’ll stop now. I have writing to do too!
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