The Trip Itself
So I discovered that not only can I not sleep in cars, but planes and trains are included in that. If it's moving, I'm awake. Ah well. So I woke up at 5am on the day I left, not because I wanted to, but just because that is what I do. I wake up early. By the time I landed in the UK I had been up far too long already. Add to that a train trip that ended up not going to my destination because of "technical" issues so that when I finally arrived in the pretty little town of Chesterfield I had been up for 30 hours straight.
Memorable Moments
Hen's night was, as I said, a wild night. I had far too much fun, drank far too much and was still on my feet at the end of the night. Which, in my books, means it was a total success. Then again, I end every night on my feet. I met some wonderful people, got kissed by a boy 10 years younger than me (Don't judge! He initiated!) and it was great.
I met a wonderful man and I'm trying not to think about what that means, but I was quite taken with him. How he feels about me, maybe I'll never know, but I am staying in touch with him as best I can. He was a perfect gentleman - how often do you get to meet one of those?
And the wedding was beautiful and it made me realize I'm never doing the big wedding things if I can avoid it. Too much stress and in the end, the result is the same, you get to spend the rest of your life (ideally) with the person you love.
I did so much more than what I just wrote above. I visited castles, met strangers, got lost, got found, wander off on my own and ate lots of food and drank my silly and back again. It was a wonderful trip and I know I'm going to go back.