Except my life consists of work. Writing. My fur-babies.
So, like always, a bit of an update on where my writing is sitting. Since that is really what we are all here for. Right?
Feathers & Fae
I have queried several agents since the story has gone through multiple editing stages and other than the tiniest of tweaks, it is finished. I am really excited about this story. So keep your fingers crossed that someone replies to my queries. I've put in a lot of hard work on this and I would love to be able to get the story out there.
Depths of Darkness

I am still picking away at this story. I`m getting closer to have the first draft finished and then I will be pushing it through edits above everything out to have it ready to go for this fall - like I have said I would. I am not backing down now, but we are hitting busy season at work. This means I am lot more tired which can often translate into less writing.
Still, I am going to get this done. I promise. In the meantime, another little aesthetic for you.
Other Writing
I have made a few decisions regarding what is coming next. I have decided that I might put Tomorrow's Past on hold for a little bit, but I am still determined to write. It just needs a bit more time until I am ready for it.
I have alse been plotting a new YA High Fantasy series. So far I have 3 - 4 books vaguely planned in my head. As soon as Depths of Darkness is done, I will be looking into developing this idea more fully. It's not a type of work that I have seen before and I have yet to find a contemporary for this subgenre. I am thinking that it will be an incredible story.
Not to mention that those few I have trusted with this new idea have been even more excited than I have been about it.
I have a couple of other things that I am working on in the back of my head and I few things that have been lifted from slushpile back into the "I could work with this" status due to unexpected feedback and ideas. However, I will talk about those another time. Promise.