I've been working a lot with more knowledgeable writers than myself so that I can be a better writer and a better marketer of my books. I've been learning more about different aspects of the industry in preparation for going with traditional publishing for Feathers & Fae.

I've been learning about creating novel aesthetics as well. As you can see, here is a little teaser for Feathers and Fae that I created. I haven't done a lot on this novel in regards to image creation, but it's been fun learning how to do this and other promotional type things.

Which means, of course, I have been working on promoting it within my social media accounts as well. I'm really hoping you all enjoy this darker story in the Sinners & Saints series.
Other than that, those that enjoy my work, I have now joined Ko-Fi which is a way for those who appreciate me and the work I do to donate a few dollars to help me out. Right now, that money is going to go towards helping me get a new laptop that doesn't shut down at random and inopportune moments. It would be nice to do my writing without fearing that I may lose it all if I look at my computer the wrong way. So feel free to...
Other than all of that, I have been working on plotting out a new YA trilogy of a style that I don't believe has been done before. It's going to be exciting developing this unique world and characters. I wish I could tell you more about it, but until things are more set in stone, this fantasy series is going to remain on the side of hush-hush.