And you know what? That's okay. That's life. It happens. I can't beat myself up over that.
My truck broke down mid-road trip. I had to buy a car that I cannot afford. Seriously. No lie. The entire car payment is how much into the negative I go every month right now. You might see how that could be a little stressful.
And to be honest, the last thing on my mind was writing. However, I seem to be doing much better as I've been working through editing a couple of chapters a day on Feathers & Fae. I am really excited a about this. Of course, in the process of editing I also happened to realize that I totally glossed over something I had been hinting at for a couple of chapters previous. Oops!
Tonight I shall be working on correcting that slight omission. With luck I shall have this over to my incredible editor to look over it.
One last thing before I bid you all a goodnight and get to working on this novel - I would like to introduce you to the newest member of my family.
This is Nahni.
She is a 10 month old Australian Shepherd that came to me from a not so great situation.
It's been less than a week, but I would like to think that we are starting to bond. It's going to be tough goinng as she has never had the chance to be a real member of a family before. Even the stairs were new and scary for her, but that's alright. She's a smart little cookie.
I am eager to see how she grows over the next few months. Watch for more pictures of her on my instagram feed!
And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.... In my case, that means it is time to get writing!